Letter to Ed Gillespie,
Chairman of the Republican National Committee
Author: Samuel Metz
Date: 01/08/2005
Samuel Metz, MD
8 January 2005
Ed Gillespie
Republican National
310 First Street SE
POB 96994
Washington DC 20077-7566
Dear Mr. Gillespie,
Thank you for your invitation
to contribute to the Republican National Committee. You
requested a response from me within seven days. This is my
The Republican Party offers
an extraordinary opportunity for voters to express what
part they want government to play in their lives. I
believe the Republican Party can provide an essential
alternative to the pabulum offered by Democrats in this
last election.
I also believe that our
current administration represents the absolute worst
aspects of fundamental Republican values. I will not
contribute to a Party that embraces these aberrations. For
your information, I list below what the George W. Bush
administration has done to undermine Republican
1. This administration has
nurtured abortion and gay marriage as issues for
government to fix. These are highly charged, personally
felt, politically insolvable issues that distract voters
from more immediate challenges. The relationships between
a woman and her physician and between any two consenting
adults in the privacy of their home are absolutely
off-limits to government. What Republican in history has
advocated moving government control into our personal
life? What is most reprehensible about this administration
is that it intends to enshrine this invasion by amending
the Constitution itself. The Constitution, as sober
Republicans will attest, is designed to protect individual
rights, not compromise them.
2. This administration has
abandoned one of the greatest strengths of this nation:
our military. Our civilian leaders have more than ignored
unpleasant but sound advice from our military leaders; it
has punished those who attempted to protect our soldiers
from unnecessary danger. The Iraq invasion was planned
without considering the number and equipment of soldiers
needed to do the job correctly. When military victory
turned into a prolonged insurgency, we discovered that our
civilian leaders had absolutely no contingency plans,
although our military leaders warned of this eventuality.
Furthermore, our administration shows extraordinary
reluctance to commit the additional soldiers, equipment,
and funds necessary to let our military stabilize a
country in flames and get our soldiers out of harm’s way.
This shows contempt for our military and compromises our
ability to fight when necessary.
3. Our administration has as
its highest priority making America the best place in the
world to do business. An admirable quest, and quite in
keeping with the Republican principle of individual
enterprise. Yet this priority has completely usurped the
responsibility of our government to protect those who
cannot protect themselves. The administration exhibits a
terrifying willingness to sacrifice education of children
and protection of our environment. As any sober Republican
will confirm, these are both non-renewable resources that
if not protected will create dire consequences that no
amount of profitable businesses will remedy quickly.
4. Our administration insists
that Social Security needs urgent overhaul, and that only
privatization will do for answer. Social Security does not
need urgent overhaul, but Medicare and our inept program
for keeping our seniors stocked with essential
prescription medications do. This fixation on Social
Security makes Republicans look bad: distracting the
public from immediate problems that require politically
difficult solutions by pointing out distant problems that
need little attention now.
5. The Great Tax Cut is
"fair" in that all citizens receive an equal share of
government largesse, but is "unfair" in that the citizens
who most need relief (i.e. those families earning under
$50,000) have that relief compromised by diverting funds
to wealthier citizens whose need is less acute. As a voter
earning more than $100,000, I would gladly have sacrificed
my share and those who in my financial stratum to give
greater tax relief for those with the greater need.
This Tax Cut is especially
contrary to Republican principles in that it denies our
government the resources to equip our military properly.
Where will we find the money to equip our troops, rebuild
the infrastructure in Iraq, clean out terrorists, and
leave the country a model for the Middle East? If we
didn’t think better of our administration, it would appear
that it intends to stifle the federal government by
asphyxiation: no revenues, no government. Aren’t there are
some government functions that Republicans endorse? Surely
Republicans are not anarchists?
6. Our administration has
fumbled the Global War on Terrorism by creating a safe
haven in Iraq that is now on the Must-See list of every
terrorist in the world. Soon we will have lost more
American lives to terrorists in Iraq than died in 9/11.
Why has this administration sworn to eradicate all
terrorists, regardless of whether they target us or not?
We have a very real terrorist threat from within our
borders that goes neglected. After all, the second worst
terrorist attack on America was conducted in Oklahoma by
Americans claiming they represented the people against the
government. What has the administration done to protect us
from domestic terrorism? Why has the administration not
acknowledged that 100% security against terrorists is
impossible? Al-Qaeda took eight years between its previous
attack on US soil in 1993 before its next attack on the
same target, the Twin Towers; how can our administration
claim success because it has been four years since 9/11
with no al-Qaeda attack?
Yes, terrorists are unlikely
to hijack commercial airliners for kamikaze missions
again. But is our administration outthinking terrorists
and shutting down other opportunities for attacks before
the terrorists get there first? Are our borders, harbors,
trains, and public areas safer than before September 11,
7. The Family Values issue is
a smokescreen. Do we really believe that Republicans love
their families better than Democrats? Do Republicans
really believe that Democrats cannot be trusted to raise
children properly? In the last election there was an
authentic groundswell of voter concern about fundamental
fears for our future; instead of providing true
illumination and leadership, the administration used this
issue as a cheap campaign ploy. I am not proud that
Republicans ran to the front of a wandering mob and
pretended to be leaders instead of stopping the mob and
telling them straightforwardly how Republicans can address
their needs.
I feel the Republican Party
has better answers to these issues than the Democrats, but
that our current administration has few viable answers at
all. I will gladly contribute to a Republican Party that
returns to its core values, including protecting the
greater needs of our society: education, the environment,
respecting our elderly, and expecting that those who
profit most from our incredible country will see fit to
contribute the most to preserving it.
Samuel Metz